Sunday, April 21, 2013

once again.

how time flies.. it's more then a quarter of 2013 already.
as i aged, my memory seems to depreciate, so it's best that i jot down all the events and thoughts manually again.
i have been avoiding to come back posting stuffs on here as i hate the fact that knowing others will be stalking and publicizing mainly unhappy thoughts.

*dont ask me why am i back on this again. i just want to (:

so, it's been almost a year. 2013 had been an unforgettable and heart-wrenching year for me. i had gained alot, also, i had lost someone important in my life. it's a life changing situation for me. this was a wake up call for me and had me changed eventually. i was used to be so protected from everything and anything, not being spoiled like a brat but more like i'm surrounded in warmth and love which many would envy.  however, as the saying goes, nothing last forever. protecting shield has now worned off, i'm here to stand alone, learning to be more independent then usual. it's always been a grey area that i dont wish to talk about nor showing it out. i've to stay stronger to be able to move on for a better life. but, the truth is, deep down, i'm feeling all cold, weak and alone. i hate those sympathizing looks and redundant consoling words on my raw open wound. maybe, that's why , i had decided to pull up the walls around me in order not to allow anymore pain inflicted.

nevertheless, i'm grateful to have my boyf cheong to be supportive, although he's being a pain in the ass sometimes, he's around to guide me somehow. so he's one of the gain i have. Speaking of which, we had decided to settled down and get a home of our own! we have applied for the BTO in April '13 at Bukit Batok. i have received our Q number but it wasn't a hopeful one. out of 790 units for 4-room, we had a Q num of 1196! like seriously.. and our appointment date is on 29aug. that's going to be in 4month plus time, i'm afraid by then all units will be wiped out. oh well, a little disappointed, but we have discussed to pin hope on the next up coming BTOs. not the May '13, i dont really fancy those areas though. We'll cross our fingers for the upcoming ones.

it's a tad too lengthy for a first post. haha. shall end here then. i'll be updating stuffs on my work, it's been a pain too. sigh.

Friday, May 4, 2012


paranoid. unimportant.

when sweetness turns blend, and maybe alil bitter after sometime ?

just like .. lighting a matchstick.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

dishearted .

you don't know much damaged was done by your casual words.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

imma back ❣❣

さんの絵文字 1st post for Year 2012.
decided to be back on blogsphere again.

i'm still trying to work on my blogskin, so meanwhile, please bear with it okay!
i've got truckloads of photos to update, so to begin...
i'll post an interesting entry 1st: {name} by {username} {name} by {username}


Numerology Gibberish(that might just change your life ?):

If you were born on the:
1st, 10th, 19th, 28th of any month you are number 1.
2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th of any month then you are number 2.
3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th of any month then you are number 3.
4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st of any month then you are Number 4.
5th, 14th, 23rd of any month then you are number 5.
6th, 15th, 24th of any month then you are number 6.
7th, 16th, 25th of any month then you are number 7.
8th, 17th, 26th of any month then you are number 8.
9th, 18th, 27th of any month then you are number 9.

Number 1
You are smart, a straight talker, funny, stubborn, hardworking, honest, jealous
on a competitive basis, kind hearted, temperamental, friendly, and popular. You
always want to be on the top and most likely to be independent. You are most
likely to fall in love at a young age, but will marry once you mature! You are
likely to have problems with people who have opposite views and you are most
likely to take revenge over your enemies in a long time basis. You are a
spender, but you will have a good profession in the future. If you are guy you
will be very popular. You can go anywhere from the local shop to the heart of
the parliament because you are positive and talented in numerous areas. But in
your life you will always have some people who will work hard to bring you &
your name down. Because of your intelligence, some might hate you. You are a
pioneer, independent & original your best match is 4, 6, 8 while a good match
would be with 3, 5 and 7.

Number 2
No matter what, every one will love you because you are ruled by the Moon. You
day dream a lot, you have a very low-self esteem, you need to have a back up for
every move in your life, you are very unpredictable. You tend to change
according to time and circumstances, selfish, have a very strong sense of
musical and artistic talent and powerful verbal communication. You can be sweet
as an angel and can be ruthless when double-crossed. Some might say you have a
sixth sense. You will become a poet, writer, an artist or a businessperson. You
are not strong in love, so your relationship will be in disarray until you
settle down. If you are a girl, you will be responsible for your family. If you
are a man, you tend to get involve in fights & arguments in the family. You will
sacrifice your life for your family. You are gentle, intuitive with a broad
vision. You make a well-balanced person. Your best match is 2, 7,5, and 9 no
other people can put up with you!

Number 3
You are hardhearted and selfish most of the time. You always tend to have lots
of problems within your family in the early stages but you will be able to cope
with everything. You seem to have your way in everything. And from birth you
would always have to work hard to achieve anything you want. You always make a
point to set examples on others, especially the younger ones. Generally you are
not a cool person. It’s not easy dealing with you. A tough player you are! But
once you are comfortable with someone, it will be a lasting friendship. You
always earn respect from others. Your Ilk seems to have lots of worries and
problems but they won’t be for long. You will have brilliant kids! You love
money a bit too much so temptation will push you to try endlessly. You will look
after your family and help friends, so you will spend a life time just being
generous and kind (except for men born on the 21st). You love your freedom,
creative and ambitious, a person who brings beauty, hope & joy to this world!!!
Your best match 6 and 9. Good match 1, 3, and 5.

Number 4
You are very stubborn, very hard working but unlucky in important matters in
life, very cool and helpful. You might repel people away from you, you may cause
nuisance to others if you area man, as you gifted are with understanding other
people’s problems. If you are a girl, you excel in your studies and arts. If you
are a guy you spend most of your time with girl friends and you tend to have too
much fun with your mates & girls. Your friends will spend your time & money and
get on with their life and you will be left empty handed. So be careful! You
love to spend. Your positive side is that you are always around to help family
and friends. You always fall in love with those younger than you. You often live
with disappointments but you will take good care of your family. You need to be
careful of people who will take advantage of your kind heart (ahaks!). And
beware of your relationships too. You are radical, patient, persistent, and a
hit old-fashioned; you live with foundation & order. Your best match 1, 8. Good
match 5, 6, and 7.

Number 5
You are very popular and you can get things done only by talking. Even to your
enemies! You are business-minded and like to do things spontaneously. You will
be famous if you get involved in any business. Your friends and families will
always ask for your help, and you are the one actually with the money to help
your friends. You will have more than one relationship, but when you settle down
you tend to be selfish. You tend to go for other relationships – even if you are
married at times because of your popularity. You tend to get along easily with
anyone because the numbers is a middle number. You love freedom and changes. You
learn your life through your personal experiences. Your best match 1, 2, Good
match 6, 8.

Number 6
Ooopppss… You were born to enjoy! You don’t care about others. I mean you
always wanted to have a lifetime of enjoyment. You will excel in either
education or business management! You are talented, kind (but with only people
who you think are nice), and popular. All good things come easily to you. Your
mind and body is just made perfect for love. You are loveable by any number. But
if you are a number 6 men, you will be involved in more than a few relationships
until you get married. If you are a girl, most of you will get married/engaged
early. You are a caring person towards your family and friends. You are a person
of compassion, comfort & fairness, domestic responsibility, good judgment, and
after all you can heal this world’s wounds to make peace for everyone because
you have the great power and caring talent to take the world of love one step
further.. Your best match 7, 6, and 9. Good match 4, 5.

Number 7
You are realistic, confident, happy, and talented in education, music, art,
singing, and most importantly in acting. You also have a bad temper! You value
your family status a lot; you will be in the top rank when you reach a certain
age. If you are a guy you are popular with girls. Most of the number 7s faces
lots of problems with their married life. Only a few are happy. You have
everything in your life but with worries throughout your lifetime. You need to
get ready looking for a partner rather than waiting. If you don’t, then you
might end-up being single. You are born to contribute to everyone’s joy. Your
best match is 2. Good matches are 1, 4.

Number 8
You have a very strong personality and people will find it hard to understand
you. You are more likely to suffer in your younger years. You might be also the
one responsible to look out for your family. You often suffer all the way
through life. You will learn life in a very practical way. You are the one who
will fight for justice and may even die in the war too. You are normally very
reserved with a handful of friends and most of the time, live life alone and
always prepared to help others. However, once you settle down, (which is often
late), then your had lucks will disappear. You will face unexpected problems
such as encountering poisonous animals, and accidents. You are highly-
disciplined, persistence, and courageous, and it is your strength that will take
you to success. You are a great part of a family team. You are a fighter! Your
Best match 1, 4 and 8. Good match 5.

Number 9
You guys are the most incompatible people in the world. You are so strong,
physically and mentally. You often have big-aims. You will work hard and will
think it’s still hard to get there, even if you already have gotten there!
Normally you suffer in the early age from family problems and generally you will
have to fight in life. You are respected by others. You were however very
naughty in your childhood, and often got beaten up by your parents and had been
involved in fights and you seemed to have suffered lots of injuries. But when
you grow older you become calm and will fall into the quiet and dignified macho
type. Love is not an easy matter for you. You are however good in engineering or
banking jobs because people always trust you. Your family life is very good, but
you will always worry over your children. Your finer qualities are that you are
humanitarian, patient, very wise & compassionate. You are born to achieve
targets and serve every one equally without any prejudice. You are a role model
for everyone. Your best match 3, 5, 6, and 9. Good match 2.


Monday, November 15, 2010


will be back to do some updates uh.

Monday, October 4, 2010

♥ 男朋友 ♥














♣ 男朋友就是每天不厌其烦的陪你吃饭、送送你上下班的那个 

♣ 男朋友就是虽然身上没什么钱,也会请你吃饭的那个人; 

♣ 男朋友就是早晨你醒来时第一个想到的那个人; 

♣ 男朋友就是能跟你打电话聊到半夜都舍不得挂的那个人; 

♣ 男朋友就是在你最艰难的时候陪伴在你身边的那个人; 

♣ 男朋友就是为了不让你担心,无论出了什么事都要自己默默 

♣ 男朋友就是手机里总是存满你给他发的短信,直到信箱满了 

♣ 男朋友就是无论你是不是漂亮都会夸赞你漂亮的那个人; 

♣ 男朋友就是常察看你的手机纪录,确信跟你常联系的都是你 

♣ 男朋友就是在你任性、耍小脾气时,也会忍住脾气不会冲你 

♣ 男朋友就是看到你流泪时,为你擦去泪水给你一个温暖拥抱 

♣ 男朋友就是就算你犯了错误,也舍不得骂你的那个人; 

♣ 男朋友就是可以在车站等你很久也不会介意的那个人; 

♣ 男朋友就是明明最不喜欢逛街,还能陪你一家一家的逛到你 

♣ 男朋友就是有着宽厚的肩膀可以让你随时依靠的那个人; 

♣ 男朋友就是吃饭时放慢速度等你的那个人; 

♣ 男朋友就是总是让你走在马路内侧的那个人; 

♣ 男朋友就是过马路时会紧紧拉住你的手的人; 

♣ 男朋友就是就算情人节也不会买花给你,让你对他又爱又气 

♣ 男朋友就是深夜为你开着手机的那个人; 

♣ 男朋友就是当你读到这篇文章时立刻会想到的那个人....


Thursday, September 30, 2010



it's you who thinks too much if you thought that those words 're meant for you.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

it's a ruined 21st birthday trip.
not trying to pin-point, but everyone had a part to it.
it's seriously so depressing!
u wont feel it unless u got ur 21st celebration ruined!
not gonna elaborate what had happened.
don't bother to ask too,
and for those who had hearsay abt it.
cos u don't have the right to make any comments!
whining at every/anyone doesn't helps for me now..
i've regretted it, for the very 1st time.
thou i maybe silence all the while, but it doesn't means that im fine with it.
it's actually another way of me expressing that am pissed to the maximum extend!
i respect u, that's why i listen and understand,
you may have your way of saying things and reasons to it,
but it doesn't means that u 're totally right by showing any attitude
which makes me the wrong one.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

tears are words which the heart can’t express.

feeling so grumpy these days.
my bdae's getting nearer, but why 're things still so messy?
i need to go baibai soon, with kristy soon.
guanyinma bo pi~

Monday, August 30, 2010

interesting articles - Dieting by Blood Types.

Type O

Your Diet: Diet with lots of meat content.
Type Os thrive on intense physical exercise and animal protein. The success of the Type O Diet depends on your use of lean, chemical-free meats, poultry, and fish. Type Os don’t find dairy products and grains as user friendly as do most of the other blood types because their digestive systems still have not adapted to them fully.

Foods that encourage weight loss:
** Kelp: Contains iodine.Increases thyroid hormone production.
** Seafood: Contains iodine. Increases thyroid hormone production.
** Iodized Salt: Increases thyroid hormone production, contains iodine. (It is preferable that you obtain your iodine from sources such as seafood and kelp, as sodium can contribute to high blood pressure and water retention).
** Liver: B-vitamin source, aids efficient metabolism.
** Red Meat: Aids efficient metabolism.
** Kale, Spinach, Broccoli: Aid efficient metabolism.

Foods that encourage weight gain:
* Wheat Gluten: Interferes with insulin efficiency, slows metabolic rate.
* Corn: Interferes with insulin efficiency, slows metabolic rate.
* Kidney Beans: Impair calorie utilization.* Navy Beans: Impair calorie utilization.
* Lentils: Inhibit proper nutrient metabolism.
* Cabbage: Inhibits thyroid hormone.
* Brussels Sprouts: Inhibits thyroid hormone.
* Cauliflower: Inhibits thyroid hormone.
* Mustard Greens: Inhibit thyroid production.

Type A
Your Diet: Mainly vegetarian diet.
Type A flourish on vegetarian diets – the inheritance of their more settled and less warlike farmer ancestors. It is particularly important for sensitive Type As to get their foods in as natural a state as possible: fresh, pure and organic.
Foods that encourage weight loss:
** Vegetable oils: Aid efficient digestion, prevent fluid retention.
** Soy foods: Efficient digestion, metabolize quickly, optimize immune function.
** Vegetables: Aid efficient metabolism, increase intestinal mobility.
** Pineapple: Increases calorie utilization, increases intestinal mobility.

Foods that encourage weight gain:
* Meat: Poorly digested, stored as fat, increases digestive toxins.
* Dairy Foods: Inhibit nutrient metabolism, increases mucous secretions.
* Kidney Beans: Interfere with digestive enzymes, slow metabolic rate.
* Lima Beans: Interfere with digestive enzymes, slow metabolic rate.
* Wheat: (in overabundance) impairs calorie utilization.

Type B
Your Diet: Emphasis is on dairy products.
Type B can best be described as idiosyncratic – with utterly unique and sometimes chameleonlike characteristics. On the whole, the sturdy and alert Type Bs are usually able to resist many of the most severe diseases common to modern life. Yet because Type Bs are somewhat offbeat, their systems seem more prone to exotic immune-system disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Foods that encourage weight loss:
** Green vegetables: Aid efficient metabolism.
** Meat(Except Chicken): Aid efficient metabolism.
** Liver: Aid efficient metabolism.
** Eggs/ Low-Fat Dairy products: Aid efficient metabolism.
** Licorice Tea: Counters hypoglycemia (never take licorice supplements without a doctor’s supervision. Licorice tea is okay.)

Foods that encourage weight gain:
* Corn: Inhibits insulin efficiency, hampers metabolic rate, causes hypoglycemia.
* Lentils: Inhibit proper nutrient uptake, hamper metabolic efficiency, cause hypoglycemia.
* Peanuts: Hamper metabolic efficiency, cause hypoglycemia, inhibit liver function.
* Sesame seeds: Hamper metabolic efficiency, cause hypoglycemia.

Type AB
Your Diet: A combination of vegetables and dairy products.
Blood Type AB is less than a thousands years old, rare (2 – 5% of the population), and biologically complex. Type AB Diet requires that you read your foods lists very carefully, and familiarize yourself with both the Type A and Type B diets to better understand the parameters of your own diet.
Foods that encourage weight loss:
** Tofu.
** Seafood.
** Dairy.
** Greens.
** Kelp.
** Pineapple.
Foods that encourage weight gain:
* Red Meat: Poorly digested, stored as fat, toxifies intestinal tract.
* Seeds: Cause hypoglycemia.
* Kidney Beans: Inhibit insulin efficiency, cause hypoglycemia, slow metabolic rate.
* Lima Beans: Inhibit insulin efficiency, cause hypoglycemia, slow metabolic rate.
* Wheat: Decreases metabolism, inefficient use of calories, inhibits insulin efficiency.
* Buckwheat: Causes hypoglycemia.
* Corn: Inhibits insulin efficiency.